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Pass faster, and save time and effort with automatic driving lessons.
Automatic Lessons
Have you noticed the future is electric, and all-electric cars are automatic? There has been a massive surge towards learning in automatic cars over the last 5 years, and it’s easy to see why.
If you still have the opportunity or inclination of passing your test in a manual car, do it, as manual cars will still be around for years to come, but passing in an automatic car does have its own benefits.
The first benefit of learning to drive, in an automatic car is, hey no gears, no fears! A lot of people can get stuck and consequently frustrated with the gearbox.
You save time and money in an auto because you’ll need fewer lessons. While we can’t be sure how many lessons you’ll save, we can have a guess of somewhere between 10 and 15. Yes, it’s a lot of money saved.
There is also a greater ease with automatic cars.
There is no risk of rolling backwards on a hill start.
And driving in traffic is a synch.
You won’t experience having to change gear every few seconds, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your time driving.
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